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MapLink™ | Procedures | Site Development Plans

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Site Development Plans
Site developmet plans. All applications shall include a site development plan as described in § 470-901 of these regulations. In addition the applicant shall provide design and construction data, and when flood proofing is utilized for a particular structure, which is certified by a licensed architect or engineer demonstrating that the least practicable hazard or detrimental change will result from the proposed use. A site development plan shall show the elevation (in relation to mean sea level) of the lowest floor (including basements) of all new or substantially improved floodproofed structures.

Subdivisions. If a proposed subdivision, including the placement of a manufactured home park or subdivision, is located in a SFHA the following requirements shall apply:
(a) All subdivision proposals shall be consistent with the need to minimize flood damage;

(b) All subdivision proposals shall have public utilities and facilities such as sewer, gas, electrical and water systems located and constructed to minimize flood damage;

(c) All subdivision proposals shall have adequate drainage provided to reduce exposure to flood hazards; and

(d) In all special flood hazard areas where base flood elevation (BFE) data is not available, the applicant shall provide a hydrologic and hydraulic engineering analysis performed by a professional engineer that generates BFEs for all subdivision proposals and other proposed development, including manufactured home parks and subdivisions. The applicant shall provide BFE data for all subdivision proposals, including manufactured home parks and subdivisions.

Structures already in compliance. A structure or development subject to regulation under and already in compliance with these regulations shall not be made noncompliant by any alteration, modification, repair, reconstruction or improvement. No structure, structural feature, or land subject to regulation hereunder shall hereafter be located, extended, converted, modified or structurally altered without the same being in full compliance with the terms of these regulations and other applicable regulations.

Floodplain Management Administrator. The Director of Planning is hereby designated the Floodplain Management Administrator (the Administrator) for the Town of Canton, and is hereby appointed to administer, implement and enforce the provisions of these regulations. In the event 1) the position of Director of Planning is vacant, 2) the Director of Planning is unavailable to fulfill the duties and responsibilities set forth within these regulations for an extended period of time exceeding five consecutive working days, or 3) the Director of Planning is not readily available and the Zoning Enforcement Officer deems that an enforcement or emergency situation requires attention prior to the time the Director of Planning is likely to become available to address the subject situation, then the Zoning Enforcement Officer shall have the authority and responsibility to act for and in the capacity of the Director of Planning in respect to these regulations. The duties, responsibilities and authority of the Floodplain Management Administrator hereunder shall include, but not be limited to:
(a) Fully and properly administer, implement, and enforce these regulations.

(b) Delegate applicable portions of such administration, implementation, and enforcement to the Zoning Enforcement Officer and/or the Building Official as may be appropriate to the purposes of these regulations.

(c) Engage the Commission's designated consultant engineer, or, in the absence thereof, such consultant engineer as may be deemed by the Administrator available and appropriate for such engagement, to assist the Administrator in making reviews, evaluations, determinations, and other technical matters relating to the administration of these regulations; and to pass the expense to the Town for any such engagement to the applicant pursuant to Chapter 248 of the Town of Canton Town Code, as amended.

(d) Notify the regional planning agency and affected municipality at least 35 days prior to a public hearing if any change of regulation or use of a flood zone will affect an area within 500 feet of another municipality.

(e) Notify the adjacent communities and the Connecticut Department of Energy and Environmental Protection (CTDEEP), Inland Water Resources Division, prior to any alteration or relocation of a watercourse, and submit evidence of such notification to the Federal Emergency Management Agency.

(f) Assure that maintenance is provided within the altered or relocated portion of said watercourse so that the flood carrying capacity is not diminished.

(g) Where interpretation is needed as to the regulatory location of any boundaries of the SFHA, the Administrator shall make necessary interpretation based upon the information reasonably available at the time of such determination. Any person contesting the location of the boundary from such determination shall be given a reasonable opportunity to appeal the interpretation as provided in these regulations.

(h) All records pertaining to the provisions of these regulations shall be received, obtained and maintained in the office of the Director of Planning.

(i) Require and, upon completion of the permitted development and prior to issuance of any certificate of occupancy associated therewith, or as otherwise appropriate, receive necessary as-built surveys (prepared by a Connecticut licensed professional as per Connecticut State Statutes) and engineering and architectural certifications demonstrating compliance with the approved plans, standards, and other requirements as set forth herein.
See § 470-602: Floodplain management for more detailed information.
See § 1.6: Additional requirements in flood-prone areas for the requirements checklist
See also Article 5: Forms for more application information.
See also Building Department for more information.
See also Land Use for departmental information.