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MapLink™ | Procedures | Certificates of Zoning Compliance

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Certificates of Zoning Compliance
(1) Applicability. See § 470-908C(1) for details.

(2) Application requirements.
(a) All applications for a certificate of zoning compliance shall be submitted to the ZEO and shall be accompanied by the number and type of materials prescribed in the Appendix of these regulations for a certificate of zoning compliance application.

(b) If deemed necessary to determine compliance with these regulations, and before issuance of a certificate of zoning compliance, the ZEO may require the applicant to furnish measurements of any construction features subject to the requirements of these regulations, including but not limited to, setback distances. The ZEO may require such measurements to be prepared by a professional land surveyor.

(3) Sanitation. Where a proposed use or a proposed building or other structure involves the installation, extension, relocation, reconstruction, or connection of a private or public sewage disposal or private or public water supply system, no certificate of zoning compliance shall be issued until such system, use, building, or structure has been completed, connected, and approved by the Farmington Valley Health District, Connecticut Water Company, or Town of Canton Water Pollution Control Authority.

(4) Commission conditions. Any maps, plans, documents, statements, and stipulations submitted to and approved by the Commission, in connection with any conditions of approval or requirements imposed by the Commission, shall be conditions for approval of a certificate of zoning compliance, whether or not stated on the zoning permit approval.

(5) Temporary certificates. Upon certification by the applicant that the public health and safety will not be impaired and that there will be compliance with all other laws pertaining to health and safety, the ZEO may issue a temporary certificate of zoning compliance having a duration of not more than six months and renewable only for one additional six-month period, for the temporary use of land, buildings and other structures in the process of improvement in accordance with an approved zoning permit.

(6) Other permits.
(a) Approval of a certificate of zoning compliance shall not be construed to constitute compliance with any other regulation, ordinance or law, nor to relieve the applicant from responsibility to obtain any other permit required by any other regulation ordinance or law.

(b) If the applicant is required to have any permit required by any other regulation ordinance or law, the ZEO may at his or her discretion withhold approval of a certificate of zoning compliance until any such permit has been approved and obtained by the applicant.

(7) Inspections.
(a) The ZEO is authorized to inspect or cause to be inspected any lot, building or other structure to determine compliance with these regulations.

(8) Certifications and as-builts. See § 470-908C(8) for details.

(9) Approval and issuance.
(a) The ZEO shall issue or deny a certificate of zoning compliance within 10 days after notification by the applicant that the premises are ready for occupancy, or within 10 days after receipt of the certified measurements if required under § 470-908C(2)(b) or any other information required by these regulations, if outstanding.

(b) The ZEO shall issue a certificate of zoning compliance when he or she determines that all of the requirements of these regulations have been met.

(c) No certificate of zoning compliance shall be considered issued unless signed by the ZEO.

(d) The ZEO shall inform the application who receives the certificate of zoning compliance that:
[1] Such applicant may provide notice of such certification by either publication in a newspaper having substantial circulation in Canton stating that the certification has been issued or any other method provided for by ordinance; and
[2] Any such notice shall contain:
[a] A description of the building, use or structure;
[b] The location of the building, use or structure;
[c] The identity of the applicant; and
[d] A statement that an aggrieved person may appeal to the ZBA in accordance with the provisions of C.G.S. § 8-7.
See § 470-908: Enforcement for more detailed information.