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MapLink™ | Procedures | Standard Condition of Approval

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Standard Condition of Approval

1. This approval is effective INSERT DATE (20 days from approval date) and upon the recording of the approval letter and a certificate of action with the town clerk.
3. The final Plans shall be modified to incorporate the following changes:
4. The applicant shall submit to the following bonds to the Town Planner:
c. Performance Bond in the amount of INSERT AMOUNT
d. Erosion and Sediment Control Bond in the amount of INSERT AMOUNT
e. Landscaping Bond in the amount of INSERT AMOUNT
f. Additional Bonds as determined to be necessary;
These bonds are subject to subsequent modification if additional plan review or site modifications dictate;
5. The applicant shall submit the following escrow to the Town Planner: Escrow for Third Party Services, Construction Inspection, Oversight, etc. - TO BE SPECIFIED

6. Escrow held by the Town is subject to subsequent modification if additional plan review or site modifications dictate;

7. Construction drawings shall be submitted to the Building Official prior to starting any site work;

8. No site preparation work, including, but not limited to, grading, tree removal, on-site storage of materials and excavation work, may commence until the erosion control bond has been posted; erosion and sedimentation control measures have been installed and inspected; and a preconstruction meeting has been held with the site contractor, Town Planner, or Wetlands Agency, Commission's Engineer, or their designees;

9. The developer shall be responsible for erosion and sedimentation control in accordance with the approved plan; failure to adhere to the plans, or create any discharge of materials, shall be considered a violation. Remedial action may include the calling of the E&S bond. No bond shall be released until any ESCP violations have been remediated;

10. All necessary approvals and permits must be obtained from the Water Pollution Control Authority including the execution of a signed Sanitary Sewer Construction Agreement prior to the commencement of any site activities or issuance of any building permits.

11. All necessary approvals and permits must be obtained from the Farmington Valley Health District.

12. All necessary approvals and permits must be obtained from the Department of Energy & Environmental Protection before any construction activities may commence under this approval;

13. All necessary approvals and permits must be obtained from the Department of Transportation before any construction activities may commence under this approval;

14. Building Permits (Zoning Permits to commence construction) may be issued only if stipulations # TO BE SPECIFIED are met.

15. Certificates of Occupancy (Certificates of Zoning Compliance) may be issued only if stipulations # TO BE SPECIFIED are met.

16. All work in connection with this site plan shall be completed within five years after the approval of the plan, or INSERT DATE;

17. All work in connection with an approved site plan shall be completed within the time frame established by CGS § 8-3. Failure to complete all work within such period shall result in automatic expiration of the approval of such site plan unless the Commission has granted an extension of the time to complete work in connection with such site plan.

18. The Commission may grant one or more extensions of the time to complete all or part of the work in connection with a site plan for good cause, upon written request from the applicant, provided the total extension or extensions shall not violate CGS § 8-3, and upon on a determination of the adequacy of any bond.

19. The Commission may withhold approval of any or all extensions if the applicant fails to provide adequate evidence that work is able to begin within an extended time period. Evidence includes but is not limited to the acquisition of any or all required government approvals and commitments for project financing.

20. Dumpsters shall be provided on-site during construction;

21. All existing refuse and debris shall be removed from the site;

22. There shall be no on-site burial of building materials or debris, and a statement to this effect shall be submitted to the Town Planner prior to the release of bonds;

23. Any Town streets, roads, sidewalks, curbs or other public components damaged due to construction activities are to be repaired or replaced, if required in the opinion of the Commission's Engineer, Director of Public Works or their designee;

24. All site improvements shall be completed prior to release of bonds;

25. A complete improvement location survey (as-built) plans are to be submitted to the Town in accordance with § 470-908C(8);

26. The appropriate professional licensed by the State of Connecticut shall certify that all site development work and auxiliary facilities, sewer, parking areas, landscaping and plantings have been installed in accordance with the approved site plan prior to the issuance of certificate of occupancy or a certified bond posted with the Town of Canton in lieu thereof;

27. Final release of bonds or subsequent reductions shall require the approval of the Zoning Commission;

28. All necessary operation and maintenance of stormwater retention/detention basins to be the responsibility of the property owner.

29. Required landscaping shall be neatly maintained and dead vegetation replaced as soon as weather permits in accordance with the approved plans;

30. Litter, refuse, and debris generated from the site, or generated from the site and found in surrounding areas, shall be quickly removed;

31. The site shall be reasonably maintained in good order by the property owner and shall be inspected weekly for trash and surface debris to prevent refuse and pollution;

32. Store deliveries are to be restricted between the hours of INSERT TIME and INSERT TIME.

33. Hours of operation are to be restricted between the hours of INSERT TIME and INSERT TIME.

34. Outside lighting shall be reduced to the following approved nighttime lighting levels INSERT, or shall be turned off after INSERT TIME.

This approval is binding upon the applicant/developer, heirs, assigns, and grantees. This approval constitutes a contractual agreement between the Town of Canton and the applicant, heirs, assigns and grantees.
In evaluating this application the Town of Canton has relied on information provided by the applicant or his agent.