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Village District Applications
In accordance with C.G.S. § 8-2j(d)-(e)(d).
(1) Applications for new construction and substantial reconstruction within the district and in view from public roadways shall be subject to review and recommendation by an architect or architectural firm, landscape architect, or planner who is a member of the American Institute of Certified Planners selected and contracted by the Commission and designated as the village district consultant for such application. The village district consultant shall review an application and report to the commission within 35 days of receipt of the application. Such report and recommendation shall be entered into the public record if there is a public hearing or in the public interest and considered by the Commission in making its decision. Failure of the village district consultant to report within the specified time shall not alter or delay any other time limit imposed by the regulations.

(2) The Commission/ZEO may seek the recommendations of any Town agency or regional council or outside specialist, with which it consults, including, but not limited to the Collinsville Historic District Commission, the regional council of governments, the municipality's historical society, the Connecticut Trust for Historic Preservation and The University of Connecticut College of Agriculture and Natural Resources. Any reports or recommendations from such councils or organizations shall be entered into the public record.

Denial. If the Commission/ZEO grants or denies an application, it shall state upon the record the reasons for its decision. If the Commission/ZEO denies an application, the reason for the denial shall cite the specific regulations under which the application was denied. Notice of the decision shall be published in a newspaper having a substantial circulation in the municipality. An approval shall become effective in accordance with subsection (b) of C.G.S. § 8-3c.

Approvals. No approval of the Commission under this section shall be effective until a copy thereof, signed by the Chairman on a signature block approved by the Commission, containing the name of the owner of record, a description of the premises to which it relates and specifying the reasons for its decision, is recorded in the land records with the Town Clerk.

See Article XVIII: Village District Standards for more detailed information.
See Building Department for more information.
See Land Use Department for additional information.